Tasmanian Rangers Association
The Tasmanian Rangers Association was launched at Lake St Clair National Park forty years ago, and was originally formed to help develop and support Park Rangers and their families. Over the years the association has grown to welcome a wide range of staff from across the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service including Visitor Reception staff, Field Officers and Fire Management Officers. The association works to raise awareness of the vital work of protected area managers; to support the work of other protected area managers globally; and to mentor and enable professional development of its members.
World Ranger Day 31 July
World Ranger Day is celebrated worldwide on July 31st to commemorate Rangers killed or injured in the line of duty and to celebrate the work Rangers do to protect the planet’s natural treasures and cultural heritage.
Here in lutruwita/Tasmania we will be lighting green as many landmarks as we can! The Tasman Bridge turned verdant last year, and this year will be joined by other features, including the Derwent Entertainment Centre and Wrest Point Casino in the south, and the Leven River Bridge and ANZAC Park Fountain in the north west.
Not only that, but lighting up the Tasman Bridge last year has inspired other Ranger Associations across Australia (and internationally) to follow suit! Check out our joint statement with our fellow Ranger Associations from across the nation, led by the South Australian Ranger Association.
We encourage you to learn more, celebrate rangers and the work they do, and to spread the word through your networks and social media.