Get Involved
The Tasmanian Rangers Association is the professional body for protected area workers in lutruwita/Tasmania. We run various public fundraising and outreach events, and deliver donations to rangers in need through the Thin Green Line Foundation.

Park Rangers across the globe are the frontline of conservation, and gear makes their work easier, safer and more efficient. Donate as much or as little as you feel that you can spare through the Thin Green Line Foundation.
Spread the word
If you can spare a few dollars, then maybe your friends can too! All publicity also raises awareness of the important work that rangers play in protecting conservation, so tell your friends, follow us on social media, and share our latest fundraising effort.

World Ranger Day July 31
On July 31st each year our community pauses to reflect on the sacrifices made by rangers, and to celebrate the incredible work that rangers do every day to protect our planet’s natural treasures and cultural heritage.
We encourage you to use the #WorldRangerDay #WorldRangerDay2024 #WRD24 or #IStandWithRangers hashtag when talking about World Ranger Day on social media.